May 1 – May 3

Cispersonnages en quête d'auteurice

Théâtre du Nouvel-Ontario is a francophone theatre production company. All of our productions are presented in French, however, some shows feature English Surtitles™ so that more people can experience French theatre! We apologize, but not all content on this site is available in English.


Key words: inclusion and exclusion, difference and diversity, identity and ownership, access to public debate, privilege, unicorns
We love this show for: its audacity, its invitation to dialogue, its unpretentious and comical tone 

Five neurodivergent performers meet in the rehearsal studio to begin a new creative process. As it is impossible for them to do the unicorn show they had originally planned – given the fact they are not unicorns – each of them comes up with ideas to break the creative deadlock they find themselves in. Caught between their artistic desires and their many ethical principles, the performers realize that their playing field seems loaded and their artistic freedom rather limited. Who could extricate them from this cul-de-sac? An actor without a disability? A magical unicorn? What if it takes all that to break free?

In Luigi Pirandello’s play Six personnages en quête d’auteur (1921), two groups are pitted against each other: actors and actresses, professionals in the art of drama-making, and a family unashamedly offering the story of their tragedies. The ensuing clashes – between identity and appropriation, experience and interpretation, truth and fiction – find an unprecedented echo a century later, as the acting profession finds itself at the heart of numerous debates on cultural appropriation and artist legitimacy. The usurpation of Pirandello’s title and the crude copying of its mise-en-abyme allow Joe, Jack et John to delve into the heartbreak and questioning of a society painfully moving towards ideals of equity and inclusion. To this end, the company offers an unethical comedy that makes no pretense of reducing the prevailing confusion. Here’s to your laughter, whether uneasy or unabashed!

Ages: 14+
La Grande Salle, Place des Arts du Grand Sudbury
Duration: 1h20 without intermission
Spokesperson: Michelle Loubert


  • Text
    • Catherine Bourgeois
  • Text Collaborators
    • Edon Descollines
    • Jean-François Huppé
    • Hubert Lemire
    • Michael Nimbley
    • Audrey Talbot
    • Anne Tremblay
    • Pénélope Bourque
    • Louis Girandello
    • Maryline Chery
    • Guy-Philippe Côté
    • Pénélope Goulet-Simard
  • Director
    • Catherine Bourgeois
  • Assistant to the Director
    • Alexie Pommier
  • Distribution
    • Maryline Chery
    • Guy-Philippe Côté
    • Edon Descollines
    • Pénélope Goulet-Simard
    • Michael Nimbley
    • Audrey Talbot
    • David Noël
  • Set Design
    • Catherine Bourgeois
    • Amy Keith
  • Assistant to the Set Design
    • Alizée Milot
  • Costume Concept
    • Amy Keith
  • Assistant to the Costumes
    • Carolie Delisle
  • Lighting Concept
    • Jean Jauvin
  • Sound Concept
    • Alexander MacSween
  • Dramaturgical Consultant
    • Sara Fauteux
  • Surtitles Translation
    • Bobby Theodore Charbonneau
  • Technician
    • Lindsay Morneau
  • Sound System
    • Andréa Marsolais-Roy
  • Stage Manager
    • Audrey Belzile
A Production by

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