Please Note
To ensure the safety and well-being of our public, our clients, and our staff during the developing situation concerning COVID-19, our offices remain closed to the general public during regular hours. Our team remains available and can be easily reached by email or by phone.
In the event of a performance taking place in our theatre, our main doors will only be open to the public starting one hour prior to the event’s start time.

2020-2021 Season: Our Solidary Solitudes
The 2020-2021 Season marks an important milestone in the Théâtre du Nouvel-Ontario‘s (TNO) history as the company celebrates its 50th anniversary in Spring 2021. Unsurprisingly, our 50th Season is going to be a bit different than what we had in mind, but in this time of physical distancing, bubbles, and face masks, theatre and the arts continue to have an important role to play in our communities. With our 2020-2021 Season, the TNO wants to take apart solitude and offer our audience members human experiences that will, hopefully, remind them that we’re all in this together.
This season, in response to the current climate and the general uncertainty caused by the pandemic, the TNO is going to announce its programming and events progressively, in small bites over the course of the year. This will allow us to react and adapt easier to a situation that’s constantly evolving.

Solidarity Pass
During this unusual season, our Season Subscription is making way for something new. For a set price of $50.00, an audience member can purchase a Solidarity Pass. Purchasing a Pass helps support our artists in these difficult times, all while granting the holder a few advantages!

About the Théâtre du Nouvel-Ontario
Rooted in Northern Ontario since its establishment in 1971, the Théâtre du Nouvel-Ontario (TNO) is a professional theatre company that values contemporary works by Franco-Ontarian authors and Canadian playwrights.
The company creates, tours and presents theatrical works with the aim of developing, enriching and promoting the artistic and cultural life of its milieu.

Heures d'ouvertures pendant la période estivale
Veuillez noter que nos bureaux administratifs sont ouverts de 10 h à 16 h du lundi au vendredi.
La billetterie est ouverte du lundi au jeudi de 12 h 30 à 17 h. Elle sera fermée exceptionnellement du 12 au 21 juillet inclusivement.
Passez un bel été!