22 August, 2024 • Posted by Priscilla Pilon

24-25 season : DREAMING OF WORLDS


Now more than ever, we need spaces to dream. That’s why, this season, the TNO is presenting works that create universes teeming with creativity, both rooted in reality, and sprinkled with dreamlike imagery. The pieces stimulate all our senses, inviting us to invent something common, sensitive and alive.

With this programming, the TNO team celebrates theatre as a tool of the imagination, but also as a tool for better collective thinking about the world in which we wish to live. Gathered in the auditorium, in this timeless space, sheltered from the concerns of everyday life, theatre becomes a place of enchantment, entertainment and reflection.

“The TNO invites you to a series of shows that, in their own way, bring to life universes that sublimate reality or invite us to reimagine today’s world. Come and join us! Come and dream up new possible worlds with us!” – Marie-Pierre Proulx, Artistic Director

Following the success of last season’s spokespersons, TNO is maintaining this important link with the community and will highlight nine community figures who are committed to the causes of the season’s plays. Despite their hidden faces, can their identities be guessed?


On October 4th and 5th, we present the first show of the season: Michel(le). In this play based on a true story, Joey Lespérance paints the portrait of his childhood in the working-class Quebec of the 60s and 70s. We follow the marginal, courageous and tumultuous life of his sibling Michel(le). A Théâtre la Seizième production on national tour.

On November 2nd, TNO invites children of ages 6 to 10 and their families to the first children’s play of the season: Clémentine – Une histoire (vraie). What is there to do when you find out your mom and dad don’t love each other anymore? With great sensitivity and creativity, a few songs and a touch of humour, Clémentine’s story helps us tame the round of emotions that accompany change. Produced by Kleine Compagnie and Théâtre de la Pire Espèce.

Two weeks later, TNO will be showcasing its very own professional production: L’Encyclopédie de l’échec. What do you do when everything falls apart? A collective of Sudbury artists has come together to tackle the vast question of failure. At a time when countless issues threaten the precarious balance of our societies, this project is a bittersweet ode to what is about to collapse.

A crowd favourite, the traditional TNO community play, is back and will run from January 30th to February 1st. Devant le jukebox showcases 8 Sudbury-based writers. They’ve drawn inspiration from the love songs most loved by TNO audiences to present their eclectic and engaging universe. Live music, dance and sketches will entertain all patrons in this production directed by Hélène Dallaire and choreographed by Janie Pinard.

On March 22nd, children of ages 3 to 12 will marvel at Le cirque des étoiles. In this Comme une étincelle (France) production, the circus is at the heart of a story where live performance meets animated film with humour, tenderness and ferocity. The characters come to life in light and shadow, under the circus tent of the stars.

Cet été qui chantait will be presented on April 11th and 12th. Inspired by Gabrielle Roy’s book of the same name, written in 1972, Cet été qui chantait is a show full of gentle imagery. Marie-Ève Fontaine recreates the deeply poetic universe of the Franco-Manitoban author in a puppet theatre setting, inviting us on a sensory journey that will appeal to young and old alike. Produced by Flammèche Théâtre.

From May 1st to 3rd, TNO presents the last adult play of its season: Cispersonnages en quête d’auteurice. In this crude copying of Luigi Pirandello (Six personnages en quête d’auteur, 1921), five neurodivergent performers meet in the rehearsal studio to begin a new creative process. As the acting profession finds itself at the heart of numerous debates on cultural appropriation and the legitimacy of the artist, production company Joe Jack et John offers an unethical comedy that makes no pretense of reducing the prevailing confusion.

To end the season with playfulness and colour, TNO presents Jaune comme joie for 2 to 5 year-olds and their families. On May 31st, in this poetic object-theatrical show, two performers explore the connections between emotions and the colours in everyday life. Colours surround them. Emotions drive them. Their games reflect this. Produced by Vox Théâtre.

The TNO continues to invest in the development of local playwriting and theatrical creation with the return of the Cellule d’écritures and the launch of a major new project: l’Incubateur du TNO. The former will enable France Huot and Caroline Raynaud to pursue the development of their works Ragtime Gal and Le téton tardif. L’Incubateur du TNO will give local artists access to a wide range of artistic development activities, in addition to our programming. Our warmest thanks to the Programme d’appui à la francophonie ontarienne for funding this important project. Creative labs will also be held throughout the year, for projects that will see the light of day in future seasons!

A number of initiatives offered alongside the programming will return in 2024-2025, including Craft and Story Time, Surtitles™ and After show Q&As, in addition to numerous artistic mediation activities tailored to each of the season’s shows.

Subscriptions are back! This year, TNO is offering the Rêver des mondes Subscription, which includes the three plays from the adult series (Michel(le), Cet été qui chantait and Cispersonnages en quête d’auteurice), the community show (Devant le jukebox) and the in-house professional creation (L’Encyclopédie de l’échec). A 30% discount off the regular Fair Ticketing rate will be offered on the launch day only. From the following day, August 23rd, a 20% discount will be offered until October 4th. Click here to purchase this subscription.

The TNO also offers a joint subscription with long-time friends La Slague. The Explorer’s Subscription includes two Slague shows (Chansons en chantier and McLean présente Picaroon) and two TNO plays (L’Encyclopédie de l’échec and Cet été qui chantait). A 25% discount will be available for the launch only, followed by a 20% discount from August 23rd to August 29th. From August 30th to September 20th, the discount will drop to 15%. Only 30 packages will be available. Click here to purchase this subscription.

The Fair Ticketing system continues with a slightly modified approach. This year, the pay-what-you-can formula remains accessible to all wallet types, with options at $15, $30 and $45. A small change: for $0 tickets, simply send a written request to mediation@letno.ca as soon as possible. Full details are available on our website.

The public can discover all programming details and complementary material on our website at leTNO.ca. For supporting visuals, media are invited to contact Priscilla at communications@letno.ca.

TNO would like to thank its valued partners
Financial Partners: Canada Council for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council, Government of Ontario, Canadian Heritage, City of Greater Sudbury. // Show Partners: Baker Tilly, Club Richelieu Sudbury, Collège Boréal, Conseil scolaire catholique Nouvelon, Conseil scolaire Grand Nord, Delta Bingo Gaming, Desjardins, Fondation pour la langue française (Fondation Langelier), Radio-Canada, Studio 123. // Collaborators: Carrefour francophone, Centre de santé communautaire du Grand Sudbury, Copy Copy, Hotel Clarion, Place des Arts du Grand Sudbury, La Slague, ROCS, Les Voyagements. // Media Partners: Hot 93.5, Le Loup FM, Journal Le Voyageur, Sudbury.com.