October 4 – October 5


Théâtre du Nouvel-Ontario is a francophone theatre production company. All of our productions are presented in French, however, some shows feature English Surtitles™ so that more people can experience French theatre! We apologize, but not all content on this site is available in English.


Key words: inspired by a true story/autobiographically inspired story/identity autobiography, family relationships, identity quest
We love this show for: its intensity, its authenticity 

As kids, Joey and Michel loved to put on shows for family and friends. In the working-class Quebec of the ’60s and ’70s where they grew up, it was difficult to show their true colours. To free themselves and survive, each brother went their own way. One became an actor in Vancouver, the other shone on the Montréal drag scene before becoming the woman she always felt she could be. But can we blossom freely when our identity is at tragic odds with the roles society imposes on us?

Inspired by his own story, Joey Lespérance’s first solo show paints a portrait of contrasts, weaving a marginal, courageous and tumultuous path. By giving new life to the lost dream of his sibling Michel(le), the artist’s unique and vibrant voice perpetuates the memory of unique destinies too often forgotten. 

*This show contains certain sensitive subjects that may be triggering or inappropriate for certain audiences. Please contact Maxime Cayouette by email at mediation@letno.ca or by phone at 705-618-5340 for more information.

Ages: 14+
La Grande Salle, Place des Arts du Grand Sudbury
Duration: 1h20 without intermission 
Miguelle-Éloïse Lachance


  • Ideation, Text and Performance
    • Joey Lespérance
  • Director
    • Esther Duquette
  • Set and Accessories
    • Patrice Charbonneau-Brunelle
  • Costumes
    • Linda Brunelle
  • Sound
    • Pierre-Luc Clément
  • Movement
    • Noam Gagnon
  • Lighting
    • Sophie Tang
  • Makeup
    • Florence Cornet
  • Dramaturg
    • Esther Duquette
    • Craig Holzschuh
  • Surtitles Translation
    • Leanna Brodie
  • External Consultants
    • Dave Deveau
    • Joëlle Perras
    • Jaylene Tyme
  • Stage Manager
    • Dominique Cuerrier
  • Technical Director
    • Pierre Tripard
  • Production Director
    • Clémence Doray
    • Jessie Dumais
    • Mélina Mariotte
  • Support towards the creation
    • Centre service du Théâtre Aux Écuries
    • Y.P. Heung Foundation
A production by

What the press had to say:
“Michel(le) is a bold, sensitive and powerful show that will leave no one indifferent.” – Radio-Canada

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